× 臺飛徵才:簽放、維修、維修結構、維修航電、設施機電。熱情招募~

Environmental sustainability


The TAMECO's hangar (building) is designed with energy-saving wisdom as its design concept and constructed with environmentally friendly green building materials

  1. Lighting system: The building area adopts LED lighting and the lighting design of the shell, which greatly improves the brightness of the shed.
  2. Air-conditioning system: The air-conditioning equipment in the whole plant adopts a variable refrigerant control system, which can adjust the temperature according to the load and space changes.
  3. Sanitary equipment, water resource system: sanitary equipment adopts water-saving labels and is equipped with rainwater recycling system for toilet flushing.
  4. Building walls: use green building materials to contribute to environmental protection.

In addition to the hangar building, TAMECO has spared no effort in responding to environmental protection actions

  1. In order to implement environmental sustainability, the company continues to promote "Environment and Energy Education and Training" to enhance employee functions.
  2. Promote the concept of resource reuse, ask employees to do a good job of garbage sorting and resource recycling, and do environmental protection with little effort.
  3. Encourage employees to walk the stairs frequently, which is good for health.
  4. Promote the digitization (electronics) of signatures and forms, reduce paper use, and improve efficiency at the same time.


  1. 照明系統:維修場區採用LED照明及結合外殼採光設計,大大提升棚廠明亮度
  2. 空調系統:全廠區空調設備採用可變冷媒控制系統,可依負載及空間變化調整溫度
  3. 衛生設備、水資源系統:衛生設備採用節水標章並搭配雨水回收系統提供沖廁使用
  4. 建築牆壁:採用綠色建材,為環保盡一份心力


  1. 為落實環境永續,公司持續推動「環境暨能源教育訓練」,提升員工職能。
  2. 宣導資源再利用的理念,請同仁做好垃圾分類和資源回收,舉手之勞做環保。
  3. 鼓勵同仁勤走樓梯,有益健康。
  4. 推動簽呈和表單數位(電子)化,減少紙張的使用,同時提高效率。

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